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Debunking Common Myths: The Truth About LASIK

Jan 30, 2024
LASIK Fact vs Myth
Find out the truth about LASIK vision correction with Dr. Mark Heimmel at Eye Care Specialists in East Windsor, NJ.

In recent years, LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) eye surgery has gained immense popularity as a safe and effective method for correcting vision problems. However, amidst the success stories, there are lingering myths and misconceptions that continue to circulate. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the facts and myths surrounding LASIK, separating truth from fiction and providing readers with a clearer understanding of this revolutionary procedure.

Understanding LASIK:

Before diving into the myths, let's briefly explore what LASIK is and how it works. LASIK is a refractive surgery that aims to correct common vision issues like nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. The procedure involves reshaping the cornea using a laser, allowing light to focus properly onto the retina and thereby improving vision.

Myth 1: LASIK is Painful

Fact: One of the most prevalent myths about LASIK is that the procedure is painful. In reality, LASIK is virtually painless. Before the surgery, the eye is numbed with anesthetic eye drops, ensuring that patients do not feel any discomfort during the procedure. Most patients report only a mild pressure sensation as the surgeon works on the cornea. After LASIK, any minor discomfort typically subsides within a few hours, and patients are often surprised at how little pain they experience.

Myth 2: LASIK is Only for Young People

Fact: LASIK is not exclusive to any specific age group. While it is true that the ideal candidates for LASIK are generally between the ages of 18 and 40, there is no upper age limit. The key factor in determining eligibility for LASIK is the stability of the patient's prescription. As long as the prescription has remained relatively stable for a year or more, individuals of any age may be suitable candidates for LASIK.

Myth 3: LASIK Results Are Temporary

Fact: LASIK provides long-lasting results for the majority of patients. The corneal reshaping achieved during the procedure is permanent. However, it's important to note that as with any medical intervention, individual factors can influence the longevity of the results. Factors such as age-related changes, pre-existing eye conditions, or the natural progression of certain eye disorders may impact vision over time. In such cases, additional procedures or enhancements may be considered to maintain optimal visual acuity.

Myth 4: LASIK is Risky

Fact: LASIK is a safe and FDA-approved procedure that has undergone rigorous testing and refinement over the years. While, like any surgery, it comes with potential risks and complications, serious complications are rare. Advances in technology and surgical techniques have significantly reduced the risk of adverse outcomes. It is crucial for individuals considering LASIK to undergo a thorough pre-operative evaluation to determine their suitability for the procedure and to discuss potential risks with their eye care professional.

Myth 5: LASIK is Expensive

Fact: The cost of LASIK can vary based on several factors, including the surgeon's experience, the technology used, and geographic location. While LASIK may have a significant upfront cost, it is essential to consider the long-term financial benefits. Over time, the expense of glasses, contact lenses, and related care can add up, making LASIK a cost-effective solution for many individuals. Some clinics also offer financing options to make the procedure more accessible.

Myth 6: LASIK is Only for Severely Impaired Vision

Fact: LASIK is effective for a wide range of refractive errors, from mild to moderate to severe. However, the suitability for LASIK depends on various factors, including corneal thickness, eye health, and stability of the prescription. Advances in LASIK technology have expanded its applicability, allowing a broader range of individuals to benefit from the procedure. It is crucial for potential candidates to undergo a comprehensive eye examination to determine if LASIK is the right option for their specific visual needs.

Myth 7: LASIK is Risky

Fact: The fear of losing vision due to LASIK is unfounded. Serious complications leading to blindness are extremely rare. LASIK is a precise and controlled surgical procedure performed by highly trained and experienced surgeons. The risk of severe complications is minimized through thorough pre-operative assessments, advanced technology, and strict adherence to safety protocols. While patients may experience temporary visual disturbances during the initial healing period, the vast majority achieve improved vision without long-term negative consequences.

Myth 8: LASIK is a One-Size-Fits-All Procedure

Fact: LASIK is a highly customizable procedure tailored to each individual's unique eye anatomy and refractive error. The surgeon considers factors such as corneal thickness, pupil size, and the degree of refractive error when planning and performing LASIK. Advanced technologies, such as wavefront-guided and custom LASIK, allow for a more personalized treatment approach, enhancing the precision and accuracy of the procedure. This customization contributes to better visual outcomes and reduces the risk of side effects like glare and halos.

Myth 9: LASIK Recovery is Lengthy

Fact: LASIK has a relatively quick recovery period. Most patients experience significant improvement in their vision within the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. While some patients may continue to experience gradual improvements over several weeks, the majority can return to their normal activities within a few days. Following post-operative care instructions, such as using prescribed eye drops and avoiding strenuous activities, is crucial for a smooth and speedy recovery.

Myth 10: LASIK Can't Treat Astigmatism

Fact: LASIK is an effective treatment for astigmatism, a common refractive error caused by irregular corneal shape. Traditional LASIK techniques were not as effective in treating astigmatism, but advancements such as wavefront-guided LASIK and topography-guided LASIK now allow for precise correction of astigmatism. Patients with astigmatism can benefit from LASIK as a viable and successful option for achieving clearer vision.


As we debunk these common myths surrounding LASIK, it becomes evident that the procedure is a safe, effective, and life-changing solution for many individuals seeking freedom from glasses and contact lenses. While it's essential to consider individual factors and consult with a qualified eye care professional, LASIK stands as a proven method to enhance vision and improve overall quality of life. By understanding the facts and dispelling the myths, individuals can make informed decisions about whether LASIK is the right choice for their visual needs.